The Fighter!

Picture Source:google

In my first year in school, I rented a girl’s hostel off campus where I had a room to myself. I made a life long friend from that hostel she was very good at getting me into troubles. I remember one trouble in particular that she instigated me into getting myself beaten black and blue (for the record there are two things I am terrible at till this day, they are dancing and fighting). So I was in my room one day when Amaka who happens to be a neighbor in her final year came knocking on my door. She said some mean things to me by way of warning which I don’t remember the details now and walked away. Though I had a male visitor in my room, I left him and walked a few blocks down to tell my friend what had transpired. She got mad at me for being too soft and “gingered” my spirit up. Being so high in the spirit, I return to my block and say “Amaka don’t you ever speak to me in such a manner!” That’s how Amaka (who was a slimmer but far older girl) marched to me and a fight ensued, which kind fight? I mean that was how I got my first and last beating from a lady till this day! Nonetheless I can’t go to battle without atleast one casualty. I succeeded in tearing off her short skirt so she had to retreat from the fight. I encountered a greater loss though as my hair was pulled from the roots with the braids I had done! (I forgot to mention the young man who was visiting me, he was my boyfriend the whole years I spent in that school. I will tell u how we met and broke up some other time. ) The young man visiting had to step out of the room to try separate the fight I got into, he was so embarrassed. To make matters worse, he was asked to leave on the basis that it was a girl’s hostel. (I will also talk more about this hostel, it had international runs girls parading as students).

Picture Source: google.

A few years later in my third year (I did a 5year course), I was wise enough to restrategized when I found myself in a similar conflict situation.

Remember that visitor I had in the first year fight? Well I ended up dating him. He also lived off campus and it was his place I was visiting, the day I saved a bike man’s life from the post I made titled “Jungle Justice”. On this particular visit, I was doing a little bit of laundry, when one of his neighbors asked to borrow his bar of soap which I was using to wash, I refused her and she got quite aggressive. She rained insults on me, calling me names such as stingy etc, she even tried to provoke me into a fight by hitting me, I wasn’t a fool to make the same mistake twice! So all I said to her was “babe you know I am asthmatic so if you beat me finish be ready to pay hospital bill”. Well we didn’t fight that day or so she thought!

Later that day, as the hostel became deserted, I walked to the lines where she had spread her clothes which she eventually washed, I packed a few (maybe all, I don’t recall) of them and tossed them over the fence unto a deserted bushy land at the back of the hostel. And went into my guy’s room to chill, after a nice day’s job.

The next morning (as it was a weekend visit I came for), we heard a knock on the door, and it was none other than my would have been “contestant”. She spoke to my friend telling him that she can’t find her clothes which she had spread on the line and suspects me of taking them. He invited her to search his apartment which she did and found nothing. All these while I sat on the bed feeling like a Genius inside but unable to smile outside.

Hahaha. I am a bad girl ain’t I? I would love if each of my readers help me get more readers by sharing my blog stories particularly the sexual abuse story. Help someone know he or she isn’t alone, I will also appreciate comments, emails, suggestions or advise request from my readers. I will put in my email link in the signature henceforth.

Have a beautiful today knowing tomorrow is FRIDAY!

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